Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thought it was time...

For those of you who know me well, you know that over the past few years I have developed a passion for taking pictures.  I think it started several years ago when my mom looked at a picture I took and said, "Wow, Alexis, you really have a good eye for taking pictures."  Clearly my mom's words still have a major impact on me because I took that compliment and ran with it.  It has gotten to the point that I see pictures everywhere I look.  I can't tell you how many times I have been somewhere and found myself disappointed that I did not have my camera with me.  About a year and a half ago, I bought my first digital SLR camera, a Nikon D90, after doing months of research and lots of saving my pennies.  I still only have two lenses, but those are something I will acquire as I continue to pursue this passion.  I just recently purchased my first photo-editing software and have absolutely no idea how to actually use the software--it's very intimidating!  So, that will take some trial and error and lots of practice.  I would eventually like to take some classes so I can learn the more technical aspects of photography (I am ashamed to admit that I still have no idea what half of the buttons and numbers mean on my camera!), but that all depends on availability of those classes and my schedule.  So for now, I am depending on lots of practice with my friends and family who are willing to let me practice on them, as well as lots of sitting in Barnes and Noble and reading books about my camera and photography in general.
So, all this to say:
I love taking pictures, in particular, candid shots of people.
I love my camera and think that it can probably do some pretty amazing things once I figure out how to REALLY use it.  ;-)
I would love to make my passion for photography into something that would actually provide entertainment and/or even some income for me outside of my job as a teacher, but know that I need more experience and education.
I decided a blog would be a good way to let my friends and family (and, hopefully their friends and families and so on and so forth) know about my passion and share some of the pictures I have been taking over the past year and a half.  And then maybe, just maybe, someone might want me to come practice taking pictures for them.
You should all take advantage of me while I am learning...because once I become famous, I will be incredibly expensive.  Ha...just kidding.  :-)
So please, sit back and enjoy pictures of my beautiful friends and family...and possibly even a few scenic shots thrown in for good measure!

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