Friday, August 5, 2011

Introducing Ethan Roney!

So, my friends Errin and Pat have their hands full!  Joining their already adorable son, William (I've taken lots of pictures of him...see earlier posts), is Ethan!  I learned that, much like young children, babies can be difficult to work with, especially when they won't stop moving their arms!  I would like to try taking his picture again when he is asleep :-)  However, I think Errin and I worked around the problems and I got some great shots.  Enjoy!


Tara's a twin.  She also has a brother and sister who are twins.  Chances of her having twins?  Pretty good.  Awhile back, I took pictures of Tara when she was pregnant with the twins.  They finally arrived and were about three weeks old when I shot these pictures.  The only time I could get Ella to cooperate was when I was alone with her shooting some pictures before the rest of the family came out.  As soon as the whole family was out and we wanted Ella to sit a certain place or a certain way or look at the camera, it was anybody's guess what she would do.  She would not listen to me, Tara, or Kevin.  While I was lucky to get a few shots of the whole family when Ella was actually looking, I think the day was still a success.  I learned how difficult it can be to work with children and that sometimes some of the best pictures come from unplanned moments.  I also learned that Ella is going to give Kevin and Tara a run for their money.