Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Romero Family

I have known the Romeros for almost eight years now.  They are dear friends and I must say they all have a great sense of humor.  Shelley came prepared with lots of props and ideas.  I told her that when I become famous, she will be my assistant because she thinks of things like props.  They were all good sports, but Vivi and Mia definitely hit their breaking points 1.5 hours into the shoot.  You mean kids get tired and don't want their pictures taken all day???  This was totally news to me.  Oh, and check out Viviana and Mia's eyelashes...anybody else jealous?  Yeah.  I thought so.  What follows are some of the cutest (in my opinion) and I even used my new Photoshop program to do some editing!  Enjoy!


  1. Great pictures -beautiful family and yes, the girls have great eyelashes.

  2. Alexis, These are terrific but then again you had exceptional subjects. But then again, Papa and Grandmama couldn't possibly be biased could they? Great pictures. You are really good!
